Chester Nebraska Online Museum
Welcome to an online collection of artifacts from through Chester’s history. Many of these have been collected over the years and rather than just stay hidden in filing cabinets and boxes, I thought it would be good to display them until (hopefully!) one day Chester gets a museum of its own.
Do you have something in your collection to share? Send a clear photo and short description via email and we’ll add it!
Here’s a small booklet showing the balance sheets of the Farmers Bank of Chester Nebraska at the close of business February 17, 1911.
Bank Officers were: James Wilson, Robert Wilson Jr, Robert J Malowney
Bank Directors were: Martin Duey,
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Here’s a very early check from Chester Nebraska, written on November 18, 1891. Made out to Rob Wilson and signed by Parlin(?) Martin (per DP Marsh). This is one of the simpler designs on an old check that I have seen.
Here is a check written on November 22, 1897 to the Hapgood Plow Company (which was founded in 1876 in Alton, IL). The amount of $39.43 would be about $1200 “in today’s dollars”. I’m sure that bought someone a nice plow back t
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Here’s an old cancelled check from the Farmers Bank of Chester written on November 16, 1897 for the amount of $43.68. Signed by bank cashier Rob Wilson Jr.
These old checks looks so elegant. This one is dated December 20, 1895. This date is only five years after Chester was founded. It has the names of two of Chester’s first bankers James Wilson and Rob Wilson. It was
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